Description of the Activities

Description of the Activities

2. Description of the activity: · Describe the content, methodology and expected results of the activity.
The project activities aim to highlight the importance of developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle and an overall wellness in order to lead happy and fulfilling lives.
During the project exchange visits, the participants will be involved in LTT activities that focus on the five dimensions of health and wellbeing: physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual and social.

Short description of each module
In physical wellbeing activities, participants will deal with issues that can help them gain the knowledge, skills and attitudes that they need to make informed choices concerning fitness, food and eating habits, mental health, avoiding unhealthy addictions and substance misuse.
In emotional wellbeing activities, participants will learn to recognize, understand and effectively manage their feelings and emotions, in order to develop an optimistic approach to life and cope with stress and other difficulties that they might have to face in life.
In spiritual wellbeing activities, participants will deal with issues that address values and beliefs in life, such as cultural awareness and acceptance, tolerance, non-discrimination, gratitude, forgiveness, gender equality, as well as global issues on human rights and combatting negative attitudes, such as racism, xenophobia, segregation, bullying and violence.
In intellectual wellbeing activities, participants will experience the critical and creative use of the mind in order to develop their full potential. Such activities will explore critical thinking, curiosity, problem solving, lifelong learning and enhance their intellectual interests, as well as making them aware of issues concerning the world around us.  
In social wellbeing activities, participants will enhance their abilities of interacting with people and relating positively to others. They will be encouraged to reflect on how people communicate effectively, establish and maintain meaningful relationships, respect themselves and others and develop a sense of belonging.